
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Corporate Blogging : A New Marketing Communication Tool for Companies

What Is Corporate Blogging?

A corporate blog is type of blog that is published with the support of an organization to reach their goals, such as marketing and selling their products and services.

Business create a blog to strengthen relationships with important target groups and the positioning of the publishing organization as industry experts. This mean that an organization create blogs to show their knowledge about the industry they're in.

In a business perspective, corporate blogs is used as advertising, much like TV ads, print ads, audio ads, and so on.

The advantage of blogs is that posts and comments are easy to reach and follow due to centralized hosting and generally structures conversation threads. All current browsers (including Firefox, Opera,Safari and Internet Explorer 7) support RSS technology, which enables readers to easily read recent posts without actually visiting the blog which is very useful for low-volume blogs.

Benefits of Corporate Blogging
  • Build rapport with customers - give customers a channel to interact and get to know about the brand and organization in a format that are familiar and comfortable with.

  • Free feedback and suggestions from key constituents - Corporate blogging gives us insights to what people are saying about products, brand, competitors and marketing. These insights come in the forms of comments on blog or commentary and discussions that take place on other blogs.

  • Increased website traffic from higher search engine rankings - Search engines favour websites with fresh content and ranks blog higher in search results.

  • Position business as a thought leader - demonstrating expertise and experience in industry through commentary, guides and analysis.

Corporate Example

Jonathan's Blog

The blog of Jonathan Schwartz, CEO of Sun Microsystems. Although John is the CEO of a USD$ 15 billion company, his blogs just like a regular guy.

The Google blog gives you a peek into the internet giant;s products, technology and culture and frequently features managers and enginneers blogging about the projects they work on.

English Cut
Thomas Mahon isn't nearly as big as Sun or Google, but his blog has made him a very successful small business. He tailors Prince Charles' suits!

Blue Flavor Blog
Blue Flavor is another successful small business that effectively employs a thought leadership strategy in their blog.

Seth's Blog
Best-selling author Seth Godin's blog is another example of a blog employing a thought leadership strategy and reinforces Seth's reputation as a writer, speaker and consultant.

Kid Chan Studio Blog
A good example of a corporate blog from Malaysian company.
Exabytes Blog
Another Malaysian blog, the Exabtyes Blog does a good job of humanising a 'virtual' company and notifying readers of special offers.

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